donderdag 30 mei 2024


Wiz, the Magician one cool person to color:) so I did it with lots of joy. 

You can find him here in Mo’s shop. Hope to see you next week. Xx Annette 

donderdag 23 mei 2024

Helping flora

Hi there, for today this beautiful digi Helping Flora. Isn’t he cute? Helping? Hihi, don’t think so. Adorable. 
You can find him here in Mo’s shop. See you next week. Xx Annette 

donderdag 16 mei 2024

Heart you

Hi there Annette here with my weekly post. This week in the spotlight Heart you. An adorable boy don’t you think ? 

You can find him here in Mo‘s shop. See you next week! Xx Annette 

donderdag 9 mei 2024


 Hi there, it’s Thursday again so here a new card from me with Daniella.

You can find her here in the shop. See you next week!

donderdag 2 mei 2024

All Hail the Birthday Girl

Hi there, Annette here with my weekly post. This week it’s ‘all hail birthday girl’.  Really the brightest digi ever seen! Happy Birthday darling! Have a nice day! 

You can find her here in Mo’s Shop and hope to see you next time!